For all of you who asked if Lucia ever came with me to help out with storytimes, the answer is, "Yes, she has come to many a storytime performance, and has been an enthusiastic audience member, but she may (temporarily) be barred from performances in the near future." Tonight, Lucia consistently pulled the rabbits out of the hats before I had even showed the hats to the audience, so to speak. She's heard my stories and songs so many times that she can spring the plot twists and reveal the surprises to the rest of the audience.
There was a good turnout for tonight's Pajama Storytime, and the appreciative audience was a boon. I presented the string story of "The Mosquito" and prior to that, showed off my few string tricks. The co-owner of Island Books came over and showed me Cat's Cradle. (I was so proud of myself because I did not drop the cradle.) Then I told Phyllis Gershator's Zzzng! Zzzng! Zzzng!, The Sun Sisters from Margaret Read MacDonald's Three-Minute Tales, Thacher Hurd's Mama Don't Allow, and Nancy Stewart's "Nocturnal Animals."
I performed "Jenny Jenkins" as usual, and Bede caught some of the song on video. I've edited it down, so you don't hear all of the audience interaction between colors:
Tomorrow I have a preschool storytime gig at Third Place Books. Also, when I came home, I received a message about a potential future gig that, should it come to fruition, will be one I've wanted for a good while. Stay tuned....
I can sympathize with Lucia (and with you!). Fingers crossed about the potential gig, too--what an exciting time for you!
Sounds like a kid, all right. Sorry!
How in demand you are!
I'm sorry for how it turned out, Alkelda, but it's a good indication that she REALLY wants to help, which is a great thing. My girls always want to help at my shows, and sometimes it's not quite as helpful as I might like. But we always talk about it afterwards as far as what was good and what wasn't so good and usually that will help for next time.
How fun to hear and see you perform!!
Camille: Thanks! I've got to hand it to Bede-- he's got a much steadier camera hand than I do.
Eric: Believe me, it's definitely a step up from the days when Lucia would howl for me not to play the guitar. I remember Evee scurrying up to sit on your lap during one of your songs last year.
LSM: Ha ha, yes, it is totally age-appropriate. I've had kids before try to shout out the surprises during storytime programs, which is why I got into the habit of saying, "If you know how the story is going to end, that can be a secret that you and I know and let the others be surprised." It mostly works- but not with my own daughter. What I snipped out of the video was a particularly firm look I gave Bede.
Ananmaria: Thanks! I spoke with the contact person yesterday, and it's looking promising. But still, I know it's never a go until it's in writing. Sometimes there will be several exchanges, inquiries about times and prices and then--nothing. Sometimes people find it easier just to drop communication rather than say, "You know, this isn't going to work out at this time after all." I never push it, of course. If I may toot my own horn for a moment, when I respond to potential clients' inquiries, they often say, "Thank you for getting back to me so quickly."
Word to what Camille said. I wish I were made of money and could have you come to middle TN and perform for all the library story times I attend.
How fun to see and hear you! I hope you get the Big Gig!
Thanks for posting the clip!! It was great to see you perform.
You look sensational!
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