Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Second Annual Kidlitosphere Conference

Here it is, the preliminary R.S.V.P. list for the Portland Kidlit Conference. Last year, I really wanted to go to the First Annual Kidlosphere Conference and couldn't go. This year, I can go. I'll bring my guitar, too.

I love Portland, Oregon. It's three hours from Seattle, and I don't get there nearly enough. Portland is the home of Powells Books, Captain Bogg and Salty and a beautiful historic central library.


Lone Star Ma said...

Have fun!

Vivian Mahoney said...

I wish it worked that I could go. But you'll have to report back!

Anonymous said...

WOO HOO! Unless something crazy happens between now and then, I'll be there too!

Jone said...

Thank you for blogging about the conference. and yes! bring your guitar. It is going to be tins of fun.