Thursday, November 22, 2007


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Hmmm. I wonder how the widget determines the vocabulary level. Keep in mind that I often use a hyperlink for a word that I think is the mot juste, so that the people who know the word can read on, and the people who don't can easily look up the word if they so desire.

Thanks to Fuse#8 for the link.


Anonymous said...

Oh, man, you're BRAVE to try this one. I am afraid it will tell me that I write like someone who is still in elementary school.

Saints and Spinners said...

Adrienne-- I don't think it's the writing level that's rated as much as the readability level. I think an 8th grade reading level is pretty comfortable. I mean, think about all of the children's books we love. The fact that they can be read by 5th graders doesn't mean they read as if they were written by 5th graders. (I'll post one of my juvenalia stories sometime.)

Anonymous said...

Ooh la la! College! I think ours was high school when I quickly did it.

Anonymous said...

Okay, you made me brave: I'm high school. That figures, really, since I identify with teenage protagonists in books way more than the characters who are my own age.

Debbie Reese said...

I ran my blogs through it. My main blog (American Indians in childrens literature) got tagged as college post grad, and my second book one, (Images of Indians in childrens books) got a GENIUS rating. Ha! That's really funny, because THAT page has mostly images, very little text.

Anonymous said...

Ha! I got elementary school! Must be because I write about George Bush so often. :P