Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Play on a Snow Day

Snow days and sick days have kept Lucia out of school for a week. She is too young and I am too old to enjoy time off from school. Despite trips out into the snow, we were both restless. Yesterday, I brought out the Playmobil playground set pieces I'd been collecting over the past while, and sewed a playmat to bring it all together. Sewing the playmat was a pleasant diversion from potty-training. To date, potty-training is the most tedious part of parenting for me. Dan Zanes said, “I can't get too emotional about songs about learning to eat with a fork or tie my shoe." I'm guessing that Zanes is in no hurry to compose a learn-to-use-the-potty song. Neither am I, but if I do become inspired, I'll let you know. The lyrics will be to the tune of "Going to the Zoo."


Lady K said...

I really wish I had it in me to sew. Once my mom's better, I HAVE it in me to get with her on a put-off project.

This Zanes guy is amazing. I took time tonight to listen, and he is really COOL!

VERY precious pic of Lucia, and, as usual, I am amazed and inspired by you.

Big HUGS, and big smiles. Enjoy your snow. We almost, ALMOST got some the other night. I almost had to get my driver's license out to scrape the frost off my windshield yesterday morning...and I said.....yewimooe!!!!! (Word Ver...the new gathering)

limpy99 said...

"I'm going to the loo, loo, loo/
You can do it too, too, too"

Just a start, but feel free to use it.

Anonymous said...

I also much envy your sewing skills! i am going to attempt a stuffed toy for the Prawn...we shall see how it goes!

Saints and Spinners said...

Lady K: Pssst, just so you know, the embroidered bits were iron-ons! I'm so thrilled you found Dan Zanes, by the way. Dan Zanes and Nancy Stewart are two of my musical inspirations.

Limpy99: That's even better than what I had in mind. Thanks!

Galetea: Don't forget, you are one crafty creature with the embroidery needle. What kind of stuffed toy are you going to make for the prawn? A potamus?

BlueMamma said...

speaking of sewing projects, do you use a pattern for your storybook trousers? or do you just take measurements and wing it?

Saints and Spinners said...

BlueMamma: The first pair of trousers I ever made was from a preexisting pattern. I didn't like them. The second and third pairs were ones that I winged (wung?) and then, when I discovered the lines I liked, I made a pattern upon which I based my future pairs of storytime trousers. I'm always altering and fiddling, sometimes abandoning previous pairs of trousers. The way I look at it, the fabric is never wasted. At the very least, I can cut the trousers down to make a pair to fit Lucia. If I bothered to make the trousers to begin with, I must have liked the fabric.:) What I recommend for anyone else is to find an existing pair of trousers that you like and make the initial pattern from them.