Monday, December 04, 2006

Puppet Show Wishlist

It's been ages since I've cobbled together a puppet show for the blog. In preparation for my next production, I am open to input. Please write your puppet-show wishes in the comments section. I'll see what I come up with after reading the results. Take a look at a couple of previous puppet shows, if you need a jump-start for ideas. I know I do.


Andromeda Jazmon said...

What a great idea! I love the Jack puppet show. How about a fairy tale?

Anonymous said...

I want to see a dueling scene with food-fights and snowfalls. Extra points if gorillas are involved.

Liz said...

Hmmmm, how about a christmas theme show? Frosty? or Rudolph? I'm out of ideas already. I read through you posts, you've been very prolific lately. Me, not so much. I'm in a huge slump lately. I'm blaming the weather.

limpy99 said...

I want a Kwanzaa themed show.