Thursday, September 22, 2005

The Cube

Sometime during my grad school days, my Mom presented me with a game called The Cube. Unlike other personality tests, The Cube was actually enjoyable to me. It was a story in the making. I still remember what my answers were. The particular narrative for this game is lifted directly from Ambivablog. My answers are as faithful as I can make them to my original responses.

From Ambivablog:

There's a catch to this game. Knowing the "key" in advance will ruin it for you. I'm going to post the "key" at its own link at the end of the game. If you want to play the game, DO NOT LOOK AT THE KEY TILL YOU ARE COMPLETELY FINISHED. (I also suggest not reading other people's Cubes in the Comments till after you've played. Nothing should influence your Cube but your own imagination.) Pass this warning on to anyone you want to play the game. It's up to you whether you want to play and be surprised, or peek behind the scenes and be your own spoiler. (You could still "cube" others even if you'd missed your chance. In fact, you can only play innocently once, and after that, the fun is "cubing" others when you know the key and they don't.)

Here's The Cube. Answer each question for yourself thoroughly before moving on to the next.

1.) Imagine a desert landscape. It's very simple . . . horizon, sand, sky, whatever you see when you think of a desert.

2.) In this desert there is . . . a cube! What does the cube look like? What's it made of (if you know)? What color is it? How big? Is it sitting on the sand, or in some other position? How close or far away is it?

3.) In this desert there is also a ladder. Where is it (in relation to the cube)? What is it made of? What position is it in? Does it have many rungs? A few rungs?

4.) In this desert there now appears . . . a horse. Where is the horse? What color is it? What is it doing? Does it have on a saddle or bridle, or not?

5.) Now, somewhere in the desert there is a storm. What kind of storm is it? Where is it? And does it affect the cube, the ladder, the horse, or not?

6.) Finally, somewhere in the desert are flowers. Where are they (in relation to the cube, ladder, horse, storm)? What kind are they? Are they many or few? Scattered or clustered?

Please feel free to post your Cube visions in the Comments section, email them to me privately, or totally keep your own counsel. If you post your answers publicly on your own blog, please let me know-- I've not gotten the hang of the "Trackback" gig. I am going to link my answers in a backdated post.

Alkelda's Cube

The Key


Brad the Gorilla said...

Pssst! Look what I found.

Hazed said...

Having not read the key, yet, here's what I saw (I often draw images from movies and from things I "see" when I read good books)

The desert looks much like the desert in Dune. Dry, barren, but rippled and beautiful sand. Lots of sunshine, but very few color variations...creamy sand, orange sky, scatterings of cornflower blue and white whispy clouds.

The cube is like a hologram, seems blue and purple and fuschia. It hovers above the sand - how far is unknown because it always seems to be just beyond reach. Something about it reminds me of the doors in the Dark Tower books (Stephen King series). It "hums"; quivers; tries to spin but seems stuck - like an old LP that skips.

The horse is golden with flowing white mane and tail. He has a multi-colored blanket on his back, but no saddle, no bridle. Makes me think of Josie Wales. He's just standing still, next to the cube, with no particular expression or animation. The ladder is behind the horse and the cube. It's a rope ladder reaching to the heavens. I see "Jacob's Ladder" - not the real one (if there is one), but the string one that we used to make as kids, with string, when the teacup grew boring and cat's cradle got too hard.

The storm is a whirling sandstorm. It manages to move all around the cube and horse, but blocks the view of the ladder. Once it's gone, it's obvious that it never even touched any of those 3.

The desert has a few large cacti scattered about, randomly. The flowers are those big, beautiful pink and maroon flowers that bloom from a cactus. For some reason, one of the cacti looks like a ten gallon hat. Dunno why, but that one has no flowers, whatsoever, but has a bird poking its head out a small hole.

I hear the ocean in this "vision". But it, too, is beyond reach. For some reason, I know this and just stay put, watching the cube. Mesmerized.

Saints and Spinners said...

I read something about someone else having a Rubix Cube for his or her cube as well. I'm sure it does mean something, but I'm really into personal (as opposed to universal) symbols right now. I'm not making comments upon anyone else's cube because I haven't yet met a cube I didn't think was fascinating and imaginative. People picture cubes in ways I would have never thought! And they make sense, and they're surreal at the same time. So far, all I can really say about other people's cubes can be summed up in one word: "Wow."