I didn't think I would have time to do any giveaways this season. But then, I made a little baby in a cradle for my daughter in anticipation of St. Nicholas' Day (this Friday, December 6), and decided that I would somehow make the time. This season, the presents I give will, as much as possible, be hand-crafted or composed by me. Chances are, I will sew a lot of these gifts, but I may come up with little songs, bake savory treats, or find something else that may be humble in terms of monetary cost, but convey love and thought.

With that in mind, I am hosting a small giveaway here on my quiet blog. I will make for you or your gift recipient a little cradle baby in the same vein as the one I made for my daughter.The color choices will be up to me, and will be a surprise for you. In the comments section, please leave a message letting me know for whom the cradle baby will be (an aunt, a nephew, yourself). For added interest, please share a December holiday memory that holds some significance for you. Your comment should either be linked to a profile that has a valid email address, or email me off-blog with your email contact information. (My email: saintsandspinners AT gmail DOT com)
The giveway runs from now until midnight (PST) of Friday, December 6. I will choose two recipients at random and contact you to find out your snail mail addresses. This will need to be quick in terms of turnaround time-- if I don't hear from you by Monday, December 9 (10am PST), I will choose another recipient.
This giveway is open to residents of Earth (sorry, Mars colonists!). If you are a recipient who lives outside of the USA, please know that I have to disclose the full value of the doll, and that there may be customs charges which will be your responsibility.
Updated: I realized I should have shared a December holiday, memory, too. I am going to cheat a little and refer you to a
blog post from 2005. Thank you much for sharing your memories. I won't comment as I usually do, but I can tell you that it is truly lovely to read them. Just so you know, if you have a memory that is harrowing or sobering, that's okay to share too!
December is without question my favorite month. I love winter, I love snow, I love the end-of-year happenings, I love the openings and closings, the beginnings and even the endings. I love choosing and buying gifts.
But I do not make them. That is for others. My talents lie in different directions.
One year when I was quite small, my father told me he saw an ice-skating scene, like a jewel box, that one wound up and the little skaters danced on the ice. It cost far more money than he could spend, but he told me about it in such detail, and with such love, that it was almost better than getting it for real.
I was about nine, I think. I am older now than my father ever was. I am happy to share this December memory of him.
How adorable! I would give it to my youngest daughter. For some reason for the past few months she has been asking for a baby sister. And as much as I love being a mother of 8 children I am done giving birth. :) One of my favorite memories of December is on St. Nicholas' Day when my older children were still young and being Catholic questioned me with. "If St. Nicholas is a Saint then doesn't that mean he's dead? You have to be dead to be a Saint!" Leave it to a kid. That was the start of them really understanding how the spirit of Christmas and giving lives on in everyone.
Lovely! I would give it to my niece. Every Advent season, we have Magi figurines that we move down the hallway toward a Nativity scene bit by bit until El Dia De Los Reyes Magos. Every year, we often wake to find other figurines also following the Star - Hawkeye, Captain America, Spiderman - it varies.
This is truly wonderful! You are such a kind heart. I would give it to my sons to hang on the tree, to remind them of how precious they are; how loved and cared for even when they have been away from home for a time due to their unique challenges. Our holiday tradition is to light candles in the Advent wreath, which I hope to do able to do with both my younger sons on Sundays this year. The holidays have been a mixed bag over the past two years as we have some serious struggles. But there is so much light, hope and joy in knowing God's love holds us secure! Blessings to you!
Those are the best gifts! Handmade with love. What a sweet little thing you created for your daughter!
Thank you so much for your generosity! It is so beautiful!
Oops forgot she will be for my little son River who loves babies so much!!! My favorite holiday memory is last year making holiday cookies with my mom and son! Hugs!
Oh, these are so cute.
What a great ornament idea.
A wonderful give away and I would give it to my eldest daughter who is expecting her first baby. What a sweet memory it would hold for her for years and years. My sweetest memory of Christmas has been each and every Christmas of my 59 years. Each year there has been a memory to treasure. The joy and love of family is a treasure, especially as we gather together at Christmas.
Since I already have two of your lovely dolls, it would be greedy to wish for a third - even for my little daughter (did you know I had a girl now, after 2 boys? You might have seen her on Facebook - I don't often comment but I still keep up with how you are going there...) my favourite December story is recent - discovering how wonderful it is to use real beeswax candles in our Advent wreath... The scent is heavenly!!! (Love the journey of the Magi comment above!)
Oh my gosh - that is beautiful, and I would love to give it to my little girls. My favorite Christmas memories have to do with the magic of Christmas as a child, and I hope that I can give that sense of magic and wonder to my little girls. There is so little magic in life now, and I want to encourage what I can.
This is just lovely, as are all of your dolls! I would give it to my 5 year old daughter. She has one of your little purple angels that guards her closet door at night and helps her have sweet dreams.
It's hard to single out one holiday memory, but what stands out most to me is coming home from midnight mass and goofing around with my siblings until we finally got sleepy enough to go to bed. Everyone was together, and feeling lighthearted. It isn't one particular toy or other gift that I remember, but being together and having a good time. As I remember those times, I am inspired to make a vow to turn off my computer on Christmas Eve and leave if off the whole next day so that my daughter gets my undivided attention.
I would keep it for myself and show it to everyone that comes here. My memory is being with family and at my Moms for a great meal and sharing photos of years when we were young. Munching on cookies and letting my sit and cleaning up the kitchen.
So beautiful and made wih love. My niece would love to be given the little baby. She saw your angels and holly babies on Etsy over my shoulder one day and feel in love!
My Christmas memory I treasure of my niece is when she was two was that she didn't believe in Santa, she was sure a snowman delivered the gifts.
Thank you to everyone who came to this blog and contributed their holiday memories! I am closing comments for this post, now, and will draw names to find out who receives the two little dolls. I wish I could send a doll to all of you.
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