Sunday, May 23, 2010

Building a world in less than 4.5 billion years*

I often get so caught up in the background research for stories that I can easily allow that research to eclipse the true task, which is to write. As I work on creating a believable landscape for my current story, I need to figure out weather patterns, seasons, agriculture and technology so that I don't inadvertently create an equatorial desert next to an arctic tundra. Whatever I make up, I want to be plausible. I just ordered this book in the hope that it is useful: World Building, by Stephen Gillett. World Building is part of Ben Bova's series called Science Fiction Writing.

*In this case, 4.5 billion years is 4.54 × 109 years ± 1%. An American billion is a thousand million, whereas a British billion is a million million. To quote Lone Star Ma, "Grrf."


Lone Star Ma said...

Grf indeed. I simply cannot wait to read your story....

Saints and Spinners said...

What would I do without you, LSM?

Lone Star Ma said...


Charlotte said...

Let me know if you need help with Ruins in your world, or lost civilizations, that being what I do...

Saints and Spinners said...

Thank you, Charlotte! That is good to know.

Hannah said...

I like the sound of that book! It reminds me of a class I took when I was about ten -- one of those Saturday enrichment courses; this one was called "Imaginary Worlds" and we spent several weeks crafting our worlds, designing maps, writing stories that took place in them, etc.

Sounds like a fun project you're undertaking!