This evening, the House of Glee went to hear Eric Herman of Cool Tunes for Kids play at the Shoreline Library. Eric's wife and kids were there too, and Lucia enjoyed dancing with the two Herman girls. Afterward, the House of Glee and the RV of Herman all went out for frozen yogurt. The three girls all chose the rainbow frozen-yogurt and ended up with purple chins. It was pretty cool to hang out with a fellow blogger who happened to be a full-time musician. I picked up Eric's cds (some of them for free! How cool is that?) and for the first time, thought maybe I really should think about recording a cd of my own someday. (It would be a vanity cd of course, but finally
For the Beauty of the Earth is one of my favorite hymns of all times! It was so fun to follow the link, hear the tune, and read ALL the lyrics. Great wedding song.
I would totally purchse *and* listen to your CD.
Farida, thanks so much for coming out last night. It was wonderful to meet The House of Glee. :o) You have a lovely family and we hope to see you all and hang out again, next time perhaps at one of your performances.
Very best,
I like that hymn. I totally would buy your CD.
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