Friday, March 26, 2010

Book widget recommendation?

Today, Jen of SewnNatural presented a nice writeup of some of my latest activity with the NaturalKids team. The book suggestions I will be posting on a regular basis in the sidebar will need a nice, neat widget. Are there any recommendations out there? I have a GoodReads account, but my initial attempt to make a widget just for specific book recommendations on a bookshelf has not been successful, as it ends up pulling books from other bookshelves.

Update: We're going with Shelfari.


The Sitting Tree said...

Could we use amazon associates on NaturalKids blog? It might be a way for us to make money for advertising??!! I really like the carousel widget

Saints and Spinners said...

I have mixed feelings about Amazon. On the one hand, they might bring in revenue, but on the other, I've felt it best to point potential customers to an independent online bookstore like Powell's. It's something to think about. Thanks for letting me know about the Carousel widget!

Myth said...

I like Shelfari - - this is a link to my page of books, and you can see how the widget works at Brand New Ending.

Lone Star Ma said...

I am too technologically illiterate to understand any of this post, but it sounds like congratulations are in order. Congrats!!

Saints and Spinners said...

Schelle: Shelfari looks good, and I like how it looks on your blog. Thank you! I'll check it out.