Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Facebook Business Page

On the social networking site Facebook, in order to claim a business name url and get rid of the long string of numbers, a business page needs 100 fans. I had for my business page what was called a "redirect" (a tinyurl or a bit.ly web address is a redirect), but I wanted something tidier.

A week ago, I had 32 fans. I asked friends and colleagues from my different online social groups for help, and Bede asked his friends, too. We tried to be low-key and unobtrusive. No one likes to be spammed or pressured. It was gratifying that people not only joined, but sent the link to friends of theirs whom they thought would be interested.

As of last night, I had 100 fans. Here is my new Facebook url for Alkelda: Dolls for Storytelling: http://www.facebook.com/Alkelda

Many thanks to all who helped me get there! I am grateful.


Lone Star Ma said...


Myth said...


Jules at 7-Imp said...

You did it. Woot!

Jules, who owes you an email but is having one of THOSE weeks

Vivian Mahoney said...

Congrats! Wahoo!