Friday, September 12, 2008

Tidying up

As you may have been able to tell, I'm tidying up.


Lady K said...

Farida...I promise not to be trollish, and you already know about my blog. I've been working on parental warnings, ha.

Ironically enough, my "confirmed" name was Bernadette. Check it out. I did and said to myself, "holy S***!" What did I know, I was only 13 at the time and sure as heck didn't do the research I should have.

Lady K said...

P.S. Thanks for making me think.

Saints and Spinners said...

Hey Lady K:
You did see that your blog is still on my blog-roll, right? Do you mean trollish in terms of leaving troll-like comments on blogs, or trollish in terms of sitting under the bridge and eating "troll-food" (which is what we say whenever my daughter starts to pick her nose)? Ba ha ha.

Lone Star Ma said...

Uh oh - what's wrong with Bernadette? that was my sister's confirmation name (at my recommendation) because they shared some serious dyslexia. Back in my Catholic days, I picked the Little Flower, like so many sweet Catholic schoolgirls. I seriously considered the Elizabeth whose contraband bread turned into roses, though. I really loved confirmation, even if it didn't take. We sang that song - Let Us Build The City of God...

Saints and Spinners said...

LSM: Bernadette was a sweetie. My main picture of her is from the film, of course. My home parish is named after Therese of Liseux, by the way. Elizabeth of Hungary's story with the contraband bread turning into roses is in Ethel Potchoki's Once Upon A Time Saints, by the way. It captured my imagination at a young age.