Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Girl in the Tower

Thanks to Fuse#8 for posting Alison Lurie's piece on Rapunzel in The New York Review of Books: The Girl in the Tower.


tanita✿davis said...

Weren't those great!? It was fun to see Sara's book there, too -- but interestingly enough, there was no mention of Sara Beth Durst's Into the Wild or Out of the Wild -- if you love your fairy tales, you'll enjoy those -- a bit fractured, but glued together nicely.

Lone Star Ma said...

What an in-depth article. Makes me want to finish my Rapunzel story. I still feel pretty pissy at the ay mothers are portrayed in faerie tales and children's literature in general. Oh, yes - we just hold them back.

Lone Star Ma said...

I meant the way. Ws are important.

Saints and Spinners said...

TadMack: I need to add those books to my reading list. Thanks!

LSM: I think that the Anastasia Krupnick and Ramona Quimby books are nice antidotes to the "mothers holding you back" motifs. But in general, the main character needs to push away against someone, and parents are the safest-- because they're SUPPOSED to love you, no matter what.

Lone Star Ma said...

I agree; also the Betsy-Tacy books, where the parents are quite determined to support Betsy and Jullia's passions - I think parents are much more apt to do that in real life.

Jules at 7-Imp said...

Good point, TadMack. That is definitely an omission in that article.

-- Jules, 7-Imp