Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Guitar torture

Your Roommate Plays the Indigo Girls, by Lore Sjöberg

For those of you who have requested a sound file of me singing and playing guitar, this may as well be it. Sure, it's a guy singing, and true, I'm more likely to struggle over the Beatles' "I Will" than the Indigo Girls' "Closer to Fine," but still, it's pretty close. A friend of mine sent me this flash clip a long time ago. I lost it, but now it's found.


Lady K said...

I am LMAO over here! You and I have a lot in common in that department. At least you can hold a guitar right now, ho ho ha ha. It is only life, after all. xoxo!

Saints and Spinners said...

Lady K: You're back! And you're mostly in one piece! I hope you mend soon (as surgeries go).

Noodle said...

ROFL! I was listening to that song only a couple of hours ago! Um, not as played by My Roommate though. :)