Take the 100 Acre Personality Quiz!
Eleven years ago, my supervisor at the Central Children's Room remarked, "I'll bet all children's librarians who take this quiz turn up as Kanga. It's the part about getting the children to safety that pegs them."
Well, I've been a children's librarian for nearly 30 years, & according to the test, I'm Owl. What does that mean?
--Walter, The Monkey Speaks http://themonkeyspeaks.wordpress.com
Walter, it probably means you're a good speller (though inclined to go to pieces over delicate words like "measles" and "buttered toast).
I'd like to think I'm Winnie the Pooh. At least, he is pretty close to what I aspire to. Currently, however, I'd say I'm a jumbled mix of Pooh, Rabbit and Eeyore.
Wow, I'm Kanga, too. Should I worry that I scored a 48%?
Yikes! I'm apparently Owl, too. It says "you don't always have the right information and you tend to talk too much." I object!!
I am also Kanga. Big surprise. I never gave my Pooh personality much thought, before, though. Kind of cool, though I could never truly aspire to Kanga's calm authority.
I took the test, and I am Pooh. I was afraid it would turn out to be Rabbit. I was tempted to answer questions in the way Eeyore would, which were easy to spot!
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