Tuesday, December 11, 2007


At the end of the school day, this is the blessing with which Lucia's teacher sends forth her charges:

Angel of mine who is guarding me
Be thou a shining star above me
Be thou a smooth path below me
Be thou a kind shepherd behind me
Today, tonight,

When the stars are shining bright
and forever.


tanita✿davis said...

Isn't it amazing what we take for granted when we are small? We had to repeat a blessing at the end of the school day as well -- for years -- and it never occurred to me until I was much older that we had been daily blessed -- for weeks and weeks. That's so nice.

Jules at 7-Imp said...

I attended a Methodist church for a few years as a child, and even as a child that "may the road rise to meet you" blessing of a song used to make me tear up. I remember thinking both the words and the melody were so beautiful.

Jules, 7-Imp

Saints and Spinners said...

TadMack and Jules: You might appreciate the blessing box I have, then. I've got little circles in a tin that have a star on one side and a one-word blessing on the other. Some of the blessings are pretty concrete, like "Rainbows" or "Feathers" and some of them are more conceptual, like "Mirth" and "Constancy."

Jules at 7-Imp said...

That's a great idea, Alkelda. Do you pick one-a-day from the box or something?


Saints and Spinners said...

Jules: You can pick three! And think about how they all relate to each other.

xxxxxx said...

I love this prayer!

Yorkshire Pudding said...

If only there really were angels to watch over us.... Shhhh! Don't tell Lucia just yet but it is all just fantasy... once designed to keep ordinary people in their place with illusions of a better world beyond. If only...

Saints and Spinners said...

YP: I don't know what to tell you, except that I would rather openly question and hope than claim to know the answers definitively one way or the other.

Lone Star Ma said...

That's a beautiful blessing - her school sounds amazing.

Vivian Mahoney said...

This is such a comforting blessing. I really like it and your blessing box. Thank you for sharing these.