Ever since I read the Brothers Grimm version of Cinderella, which featured both silver and gold slippers, I fancied a pair of silver slippers for my own. After reading L. Frank Baum's The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, whereby Dorothy wears silver shoes* (the ruby slippers were created for the film), I only wished for them more. However, there were a lot of beautiful things I wanted-- not necessarily to own, but to enjoy in some capacity.
LoneStarMa convinced me that my storytelling outfits would not be complete without the silver slippers. I ordered a pair of ballet slippers for myself, and a smaller pair for Lucia. The first night she wore the slippers, Lucia danced around the room, admiring her reflection in the glass door to her room. Now, she only takes the slippers off when she has to. When Philip the Pun last babysat, Lucia attempted to convince her "Uncle Phil" that she needed to wear her silver slippers to bed to keep her feet warm. Since Lucia is a girl who likes to run around barefoot when the rest of us are shivering, Uncle Phil remained unswayed.
*If you'd like to read about the populism theory of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, whereby the yellow brick road is the gold standard of currency and the silver shoes represent the "free and unlimited coinage of silver," take out your magnifying glass and click here .
Such gorgeous, gorgeous shoes! And such gorgeous folks! You look particularly stunning in that photo.
It also looks like the ukelele revolution might be working, huh? Here's hoping that Lucia is so fond of ukelele playing that you are allowed to play guitar at will!
Thanks, LSM! Last night was fun. Lucia played her ukulele and sang Dan Zanes' "Jump Up" while I worked on my Travis picking.
This Lucia girl seems to be getting rather headstrong. Ever considered spanking her ass? She'd soon remove her silver slippers then! And is she really Lucia or does she have a different name too like Britney, Kylie or Anastasia?
Look here, Mr Yorkshire Pudding who is really probably Cecil Percy Brightingsley IV, there are times when I have to chant to myself, "I don't spank. I don't spank." Whenever I feel like spanking Lucia is when I need to walk away from the situation and calm down. By the time I've calmed down, I've usually thought of something cleverer than spanking. If I haven't, then I need to rethink things again.
And no, Lucia's name is not really Lucia. It's Habibi Blancmange. All the names were chosen with care to reflect MHB's rich, diverse heritage. Okay, so there's no French on my side of the family, and Bede's side is Belgian, but "Blancmange" is such a classy name, don't you think? If you're not sure about that, check here. QED.
P.S. Silly me, I left out the first name of my dear child. The "M" stands for Madagascar. Madagascar Habibi Blancmange.
Lucia Dowler - I just knew that was a made up fantasy name and that she really had an ordinary handle - like the mundane Madagascar Habibi Blancmange! There are people with names like that on every street corner! Your husband is therefore the famous Mr Tutti-Frutti W. Blancmange - the Seattle investment banker! Does he wobble?
Much more comfortable silver slippers than I imagine Dorothy having while traipsing up the yellow brick road!
But I suppose one can write around what must be the awesome discomfort of wearing metal shoes with magic. Real silver slippers would be beautiful, but would no doubt give you blisters that would make you sit down and cry.
Cecil Percy Brightingsley IV, Blancemange is Madagascar's 2nd middle name, not her last name! And my husband's name is NOT Tutti-Frutti W. Blancmange. It's Seasalt Puddleduck Crunchytoes. I must say, it's hard having an ordinary name such as "Farida."
my daughter saw the picture and said "i'd like to own some too!!!"
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