Sunday, June 11, 2006

Fuse # 8 and the CCR*

*Not Credence Clearwater Revival

Here's a shout-out for Fuse Number 8, a children's literature blog written by a librarian at the Best Library in the World. I used to work there, so I'm biased. Here are ten of the reasons why I loved my brief stint at the Central Children's Room so much:

1) Working in the same room where Mary Poppins' umbrella was displayed.

2) When someone came in to get information on a book he or she was writing, chances were that I'd already read the author's previous works.

3) Hanging on the coat-tails of library luminaries to attend author/illustrator parties, including the 35th Anniversary of Where the Wild Things Are, and Madeleine L'Engle's 70th birthday party.

4) Walking by the display of the original Winnie-the-Pooh characters and seeing Eeyore smirking to himself.

5) Even if I never really had time to go to the Museum of Modern Art, I appreciated working across the street from MOMA.

6) Working during the time of the lovely Winnie-the-Pooh controversy.

7) Accidentally-on-purpose bumping into the cute reference librarian with the devastating smile.

8) Only having to work every other Saturday rather than 2 Saturdays in a row followed by one Saturday off, then 2 Saturdays in a row again. (Argh!)

9) Raiding the Annex for extra copies of books that patrons would otherwise have to wait days to receive.

10) My colleagues. I miss my colleagues.


Liz said...

Great memories. I'm so jealous, you've done so many interesting things and seen so much. Do some of your friends still work there? Are you really taking the train back to WA like Brad said? That sounds soooo romantic.

Saints and Spinners said...

Nonny, Most of my friends have gone onto other placements and jobs, but I did meet up with several old friends and talk with new cool people too. I'm a bit rueful, as some of my friends have gone onto elevated library careers which involve being on book award committees and heading library branches. My godmother asked, "Did they have small children while they did it?" and of course, the answer is no. But still. If I end up not doing great things, I still would like to do good things.

We are departing on the train this afternoon. We've got a 5 hour layover in Chicago. Any chance of you taking a lunch-break and driving out to Illinois?!

fusenumber8 said...

I love this information. The link to the Pooh controversy is especially interesting. And while I have not had any parties with Maurice Sendak or Madeleine L'Engle, I'm delighted to fill your shoes.

Anonymous said...

Oh, please give details on Madeleine L'Engle's birthday party!

The Pooh controversy is hilarious.

Hazed said...

I so much enjoy the original Pooh characters! I have a friend who collects Eyores (sp?) and it's very difficult to find the original ones. I found her a plate, one year, and dropped $30 on it. More than I'd normally spend for her - as much as I love her - but it was way worth it!

Please oh please oh please go see MOMA when you can! The line is worth the wait. I saw it when I was 15 or 16 and was in awe. We only had 2 hours in there and it wasn't nearly enough. We also couldn't take photos (that sucked!). If and when you go, plan on spending the day. You won't be satisfied if you don't. Trust me! Hey, missing you! Hope your trip is safe and fun.

Saints and Spinners said...

Hi all! We just got home this morning. After I do a few loads of laundry and try to get things in order, I'll write a proper update.

Saints and Spinners said...

I was remiss in responding to some comments! Here goes:

Fuse #8: Your boss simply must take you to Maurice Sendak and Madeleine L'Engle parties! He is one of the library luminaries to whom I was referring. If I were back in NY, I would love, simply love, to work at DCH again... without displacing any of the current children's librarians there, of course.

Friday: I did actually make it to MOMA once or twice while I worked in NY. MOMA was where I saw the Jackson Pollack exhibit featured some years ago. When I saw the figures hidden in the squiggles, I felt as if I GOT it.

Saints and Spinners said...

Oh yes, and Genevieve, I will be glad to do a post on Madeleine L'Engle's birthday party.