The Story of Little Babaji--Helen Bannerman/Fred Marcellino
Terrible Tiger--Jack Prelutsky/Arnold Lobel
Tiger, Brahmin, Jackal--Indian folk tale
Tiger's Whisker--Korean folk tale
A vignette:
Lucia was in school, playing with animal puzzle-pieces. Her teacher pointed to the tiger puzzle-piece and asked, "What animal is that?"
Lucia replied, "Zebra."
The teacher said, "Yes, I guess it does sort of look like Simba."
Another vignette, leap-frogging off of the first one:
A different teacher held up a large, talking stuffed-animal based on the television character of Barney the purple dinosaur. The teacher held up the stuffed-animal, saying, "Look! It's Barney! It's Barney!" as she pulled the string. Meanwhile, Barney was babbling about something in a tone much too cheery for the occasion.
Lucia looked at the stuffed-animal with some suspicion. I finally whispered to the teacher, "She doesn't know Barney, but she knows 'dinosaur.'"
"Look, it's a dinosaur," the teacher said.
Lucia regarded the stuffed-animal with more interest. "Rarrrrrw!" she said.
Little Box,
Not even Brad the Gorilla is as cute as you.
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