Sunday, December 08, 2013

Cradle Baby Giveaway Recipients

Many thanks to all of you who shared your December holiday memories on this blog for the recent giveaway called A Simple Gift. I entered all of your names (including one who emailed me off-blog because Blogger Ate Her Comment) in a hat, and chose two people to receive the little cradle babies I made. I wish I could send a cradle baby to all of you. I do plan to make more cradle babies in the future, and perhaps feature them as Christmas tree ornaments for 2014.

The first recipient is Patty in Texas, who wrote,
A wonderful give away and I would give it to my eldest daughter who is expecting her first baby. What a sweet memory it would hold for her for years and years. My sweetest memory of Christmas has been each and every Christmas of my 59 years. Each year there has been a memory to treasure. The joy and love of family is a treasure, especially as we gather together at Christmas. 

The second recipient is SadieBess in Colorado, who wrote,
This is just lovely, as are all of your dolls! I would give it to my 5 year old daughter. She has one of your little purple angels that guards her closet door at night and helps her have sweet dreams. It's hard to single out one holiday memory, but what stands out most to me is coming home from midnight mass and goofing around with my siblings until we finally got sleepy enough to go to bed. Everyone was together, and feeling lighthearted. It isn't one particular toy or other gift that I remember, but being together and having a good time. As I remember those times, I am inspired to make a vow to turn off my computer on Christmas Eve and leave if off the whole next day so that my daughter gets my undivided attention. 

 Patty and SadieBess, I hope your daughters enjoy their presents!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much! My daughter is really excited to get her cradle baby!


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