Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Gravity is the force...

Bede and I are homeschooling Lucia for a semester and into the summer. There is a good chance she will enter a local public school next autumn. For now, we are all taking this opportunity to focus on academics, life skills, and arts for which we previously didn't have time. Her style of note-taking thus far incorporates sketches with definitions and phrases jotted down.

 Here is Lucia's sketch for "Gravity is the force of attraction between any two objects that have mass." Click on the photo in order to enlarge it.


  1. That is brilliant. What a wonderful opportunity for your family, too (homeschooling). Thinking of you.

  2. Hahah! I can imagine my "Alice Algae and Freddy Fungi took a Lichen to each other" illustration from science in this picture. That cracks me up.

  3. Anamaria: It's good to see you! I have been thinking of you, too.

    Tanita: Ha! The courtship of Ms. Algae and Mr. Fungi is the stuff of which science romance is made.

  4. I do love that Lucia.


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