Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Father Christmas with Royal Snow People Dolls

Choir dress hemming season has started, so I'll be busy with that task over the next couple of weeks. I did manage to stitch a few festive December themed dolls before then: two Father Christmas figures (one in "historical" green, one in ultra-modern red), plus King Winter and a Snow Queen/Snow Child set. Nushkie Design needle-felted the little Christmas tree for me.

Today is the first time in a long, long while in which I've taken a sick day. It just so happens to coincide with my "rest" day (that is, the day after a long run in which I'm supposed to let my muscles recover). I am hoping that I will rally in time for the practice Girls on the Run 5k tomorrow, for which I'm a volunteer Running Buddy, and a storytelling gig on Friday. For some reason, I always seem to struggle with a cold right before a storytelling gig. I've had to sing in the lower register for the past three months.

**A wee voting rant**

U.S. residents are voting in today's general election. Washington State does absentee voter ballots, so I sent in my choices awhile ago. I was indignant that Bede got a postcard from a PAC in Washington, D.C. chiding him for voting in only two of the last five general elections. Bede became a naturalized U.S. citizen in May 2010, and was only eligible to vote in two of the last five general elections. Why should I be surprised, though? Bede also received a call to jury duty before he became a U.S. citizen, whereas I was called after I'd moved out of the state where I was supposed to report. Clearly, the system needs a little polish.


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