Monday, April 16, 2012

Why Storytellers Lie (article link)

Why Storytellers Lie, an Atlantic Monthly piece by Maura Kelly, highlights a new book by Jonathan Gotschall, called The Storytelling Animal: How Stories Make Us Human. The article addresses some of the main reasons why we might tell stories: for courtship, for instruction, and for a sense of higher purpose. Kelly writes, "We like stories because, as Gotschall puts it, we are 'addicted to meaning'—and meaning is not always the same as the truth."


  1. "(Indeed, many opt for straight-up fictionalization, preferring MFA programs to therapy.)"

    Bwa-hahah! Yet another admits to taking The Cure...

    Interesting piece, but I thought the title should be, ALL Storytellers Lie...

  2. See also: Lewis Hyde's Trickster Makes This World.

  3. This is so cool. Now I'm going to think of every conversation as a game of telephone...thanks for sharing!


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