Monday, February 27, 2012

Seven Years of Blogging

...And lo, today my blog-iversary. When I started a blog in 2005, I had meant it to be only a place-holder so that I could comment on the site of my friend Blogapotamus Rex. I had no expectation of readership, nor of making online friends. By the time I had written my first Children's Books That Never Were post two years later, I had online friends, an active readership, and the storytelling blog had expanded to include music, sewing, and children's books.

My blogging life has quieted down a lot since then. I still maintain my online friendships, and have been fortunate enough to meet some of my blogging friends in person, but I feel like Virginia Lee Burton's The Little House. I'm small potatoes on a small farm.

These days, I perform my storytelling gigs at two main bookstores, and pick up the occasional birthday party. My doll shop, Alkelda Dolls, is the online equivalent of the fresh-produce stand at the weekly farmer's market. I've resumed learning the finger-picking DVD course I started two years ago (I'm still on "Skip to My Lou!"), plus I've finally started teaching myself music theory through Bruce Emery's Musical Principals for the Skeptical Guitarist. I made myself a sticker chart that corresponds with the 40 days of Lent with double points (i.e. double stickers) on Sundays.

Green Springtime Traveler with Sister (wooden foliage by The Enchanted Cupboard)
As I think about my 40th birthday next month, I acknowledge that there are certain plans and ideas of which I need to let go. The thirties did not go as I planned. I didn't write my first novel. I carried my pregnancy weight for much too long. I lost a brother.


I learned to play guitar. I learned to sew. I became more physically fit than I ever have been in all years prior to 2010. I had a daughter.

Plus, and this joy cannot be expressed fervently enough, I made new friends.


  1. Seven years!! Congrats! And keep those posts coming. I always enjoy your musical/storytelling/doll-making adventures.

  2. Your friendship means the world to me!

  3. I'm a day late, but happy anniversary! If you hadn't started blogging, I wouldn't have met you, which seems like a crazy thing that could never happen now.

    Life so often doesn't go according to plan. I am glad for the good surprises among the difficult ones. I hope for more good surprises for you than hard ones, always, and I am cheering you on in your many accomplishments.

  4. Thank you, Tanita, Lisa, LoneStarMa, and Adrienne! I am glad to know you all.

  5. Happy Blogiversary !!

    I'm so glad we met online and always enjoy reading about all the new and wonderful things happening in your life and how you continue to learn and grow in surprising ways. You've much to be proud of -- seven years of blogging is nothing to sneeze at. :)

  6. Seven years?! Congratulations!

    I'm grateful you're my friend.

  7. Happy belated blogversary!

    I am so glad to have found your blog--and YOU! While the Internet is not always a wonderful place, it's made my life richer in so many ways--and knowing people like you is the most important way! <3


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