Saturday, February 04, 2012

Creativity, Links, Sprinkles, and Moomins

These links are all related somehow, I'm sure:

Adrienne Furness of What Adrienne Thinks About That made me laugh with The Rainbow Magic Books Are Never Going to End, Are They? My almost-nine year old daughter is attracted to the predictability of the stories, I think. She counteracts the sugary overload of the Rainbow Magic books with the Captain Underpants series, so Bede and I hear about "talking toilets" and "wedgie-women" instead of wands and sprinkles. When does potty-talk stop being funny? Never, probably.
As I was pondering the sweet perfection of petit fours, I asked Tanita Davis if she had ever worked with fondant. Oh, yes she had. Her husband, David Macknet, documents their Fondant Follies here, here, here, here, and here. As commenter Kansas A. noted, "We so often post our successes and hide our failures. It was great to read this."

I posted part one of what I hope to be a blog post series on the Natural Kids Team: Why I Made It: Artisans tell the stories that inspired their creations.

Russian designer Maria Yasko created a series of rooms for a family entertainment center called Moomin Valley, based on the Moomin books by Tove Jansson. The link comes by way of Drunken House.


  1. LSM: She hasn't! I've ordered the first one for her. The reviews seem to boil down to "Adults don't like 'em, kids do." It works for me.

  2. Exactly. Much like Magic Treehouse but funnier, if you are a child.I haven't been able to get the LSB hooked on reading anything since she finished them.

  3. wow, those Moomin rooms are over the top!

    Might I suggest This Side of Magic for your daughter? It might be a nice change--undaunting fantasy adventure.

  4. Thank you, Charlotte! I just ordered This Side of Magic.

    Today, I gave my daughter The Stories Julian Tells, by Ann Cameron.

  5. Thanks for the shout-out back. I'm glad you enjoyed the post!


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