Saturday, December 10, 2011

St. Lucia/ Saint Lucy Day

I wrote another post for the Natural Kids Team. This post is about Santa Lucia Day. In the post is a link to a gluten-free recipe for St. Lucia saffron buns, created by Nicole Hunn of Gluten Free on a Shoestring.


  1. Neat! I didn't know about the day or the buns! Thanks for teaching me something.

  2. Hi Kelly, Thanks for stopping by! The Lucia buns are reminiscent of hot cross buns.

  3. December 13th is my BIRTHDAY!!

    I first saw something about this in Arthur's Perfect Christmas. My friend and I want to go Sweden or Norway or somewhere one day because, hello, what could be cooler than a parade on YOUR BIRTHDAY!!!

  4. Lania:There's not much cooler than a parade on your birthday, indeed. Thanks for stopping by, and happy birthday (belatedly)! I will check out Arthur's Perfect Christmas.


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