Friday, November 25, 2011

In brief

Where have I been? At home (sewing, cooking, cleaning, homework help), out in the world (running, running errands) and back home again (hosting, more of the above). I'm awash in gerunds.

I posted seven Etsy listings today, including this King Winter, Snow Queen, and Snow Child set, and a Green Yuletide Angel. I've been working at this cottage industry for over two years, and I still am surprised that the activities taking photographs, tweaking of the photographs, and listing the dolls take about as long as the creation of the dolls themselves.

Incidentally (Natural Kids Team related), I read a new-to-me version of Tolstoy's "The Turnip" called Hugin and his Carrot, posted by fellow Natural Kids Team member SuperSkivvies. It has a song! I don't know the tune to the song, but I will find out. I have ways.


  1. It sounds like you've been a happy busy.

  2. Adrienne: It certainly feels good to get things done!

    LSM: You are a sweetie.


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