Wednesday, October 05, 2011

GeekGirlCon 2011

The House of Glee is looking forward to the first GeekGirlCon this weekend. GeekGirlCon is "a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting awareness of and celebrating the contribution and involvement of women in all aspects of the sciences, science fiction, comics, gaming and related Geek culture." Everyone is welcome, and children under 10 are free when accompanied by their ticket-holding adults. LoneStarMa, the concept of this convention was made for your daughters!


  1. I wish I could go. Ohhhh, how I wish. Our big plan was to be home in the autumn, but life decided to make its own plans. And now I have to be geeky and femme at home.

    Oh, well. I look forward to seeing your righteous, over-the-top costumes. And living, as usual, vicariously.

  2. I'll try to take photos! As far as I know, we don't have plans to dress fancy for GeekGirlCon, but SteamCon III is another story.

  3. The upshot is that I took no photos, but I did see some neat costumes. I did a double-take when I saw ukulele musician Molly Lewis (formerly SweetAfton23) at a table and inadvertently exclaimed, "Hello!" Then, I explained that she didn't actually know me, but that I had seen her perform at John Green's book-reading for Paper Towns. I should have bought a CD.


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